We are proud to be hosting the NWAYM Conference of 2024!
Conference Hosts: Adventure! Children's Museum and Gilbert House Children's Museum
When: November 3rd-4th 2024
November 3rd: Adventure! Children's Museum in Eugene, OR
490 Valley River Center Eugene, OR 97401
November 4th: Gilbert House Children's Museum in Salem, OR
116 Marion St NE Salem, OR 97301
Fees: Registration will be open until October 15th. Registration for all conference attendees is free thanks to your NWAYM fees! However, with inflation and the exciting fact that we are expecting an especially large number of attendees this year, costs for the hosts will exceed the the contribution from NWAYM. As hosts, we are requesting you consider a donation to help cover additional conference costs. All donations will be restricted to conference expenses and can be made here:
- 1:00-1:30 PM Planetarium show "Out There" at Eugene Science Center
2300 Leo Harris Parkway Eugene, OR 97401
- 4:00-7:00 PM Opening Reception of NWAYM Conference 2024 at Adventure! Children's Museum
4:00 PM Tours and play at Adventure! Children's Museum
5:00 PM Food, drinks, and desserts
- 10:00-11:00 AM Tour and play at Gilbert House Children's Museum
- 11:00 AM-4:00 PM Presenters and break out sessions at Broadway Commons (https://broadwaycommons.org/)
1300 Broadway St NE Salem, OR 97301Â
-11:00-11:30 Snacks and get settled
-11:30-12:30 Main Presenter
-12:30-1:30 Lunch and move to break out groups
- 1:30-3:30 Break out sessions. 4 will be offered, attendees will be able to go to 2. They will be 45 minutes each.
-1:30-2:15 First Session
-2:15-2:30 Break
-2:30-3:15 Second Session
-3:45-4:00 Closing thoughts and goodbyes
Traveling:Â Those of you flying will arrive in Eugene Airport. Amtrak Cascades line can get you from Eugene to Salem in about an hour if it's running on time. Please note: there is no public transit from the train station to the museum conference space. To opt in for ride share amongst conference attendees, please circle the ride share option on the registration form. Registration will be planned and paired on opening night in Eugene.
Places to stay in Eugene, OR:Â